Pesticide Movement in the Environment

Pesticide Movement in the Environment - OnlinePestControlCourses

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Pesticide Movement in the Environment

Welcome to this CEU on Pesticide Movement in the Environment. This Applicator Recertification CEU course will discuss essentials for all people who use pesticides both indoors and outdoors, in a rural or an urban area, to be fully aware of pesticides’ environmental implications. These applicators should ask themselves these important questions:

1. What is going to happen to a pesticide once it is out of its application equipment or container? Where is it going to go in the environment?

2. How will a pesticide affect the so-called non-target sites it inevitably reaches in the environment?

  Go ahead and get started!

Learning Objectives:

The following is a list of the key points to be discussed within this course.

  • Understand environmental consequences associated with the pesticide application, including all relevant factors, such as drift, weather, groundwater and surface water, types of terrain, drainage patterns, soil, presence of non-target organisms and endangered species.
  • Understand how to minimize or prevent pesticide drift and/or runoff.
  • Identify potentially sensitive areas that could be affected by pesticide-related activities, such mixing and loading, application, equipment washing, storage, and disposal.
  • Understand the importance of implementing procedures for prevention of residue accumulation, which is associated with equipment washing, mixing and loading.
  • When and how to adjust and/or delay an application in order to minimize environmental impacts and maximize its overall effectiveness.

Oklahoma Course Approval

CourseCourse NumberCEUs
Pesticide Movement in the Environment OK-16-1211 CEU in 1a, 2, 3a, 3c, 5, 6, 8, 10


Welcome to this CEU on Pesticide Movement in the Environment. My name is Tyler Pettis, director of training at Online Pest Control Courses. As you make your way through the course, be sure to take notes on each section, as there will be a comprehensive exam at the end. Good Luck!

Tyler Pettis - Director of Training

CEU Pricing: $15 each

Exterminator OnlinePestControlCourses

Each category recertifies on a five (5) year schedule -

  • Not based on the date the individual was certified.
  • All certified applicators in any category are on the same five (5) year schedule, e.g. 2010 through 2015, 2011 through 2016, etc.  

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Get Instant Access is proud to work with the United States Department of Agriculture, Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, the Environmental Protection Agency and the State of Oklahoma to provide APPROVED RECERTIFICATION COURSES for applicators.

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Great Seal of Oklahoma
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